The incredible potential of intellectual property in the pre-colonial architecture of Cameroon

Cameroon has an extraordinary diversity of architectural forms. Before 1884 (the date of European settlement), Cameroon, like many African countries, had its architecture. A product of ancestral traditional societies, this architecture was modeled on the constraints of the ecological environments in which the techniques were tested. In the densely forested south, the Fangs, Beti, Boulou, […]

L’histoire de L’OAPI, 60 ans d’evolution constante

Pour mieux comprendre une organisation, il faut avant tout connaitre son histoire. A l’occasion de la Journée Africaine de la Technologie et de la Propriété Intellectuelle célébrée tout les 13 Septembre, il nous a parus nécessaire de faire une rétrospective des moments forts qui ont marqués la vie de l’OAPI. Ces moments, gravés sur le […]